What is Continuous Security Monitoring and Why is it Important?

What is Continuous Security Monitoring and Why is it Important?

Last Updated on 7 June 2023 by admin

Security and IT teams must confront and manage the mounting security demands offset by ever-changing digital environments. Implementing continuous security monitoring (CSM) into cyber security strategies is a logical defence technique as it can transform an organization’s security stature which in turn helps drive performance.

As a proactive threat intelligence approach to cyber security, CSM is becoming progressively popular amongst forward-looking organizations all over the world.

What is continuous security monitoring?

Continuous security monitoring refers to a threat intelligence technology that provides real-time visibility and feedback from an organization’s digital environment. With a goal to protect your data from external threats, this security process uses automated scanning to speed up remediation.

Networks, servers, applications, and databases across almost every industry can be compromised as a result of breaches and other cyber attacks, so CSM offers a transformative solution. As one of the most effective and efficient security tools available today, it is frequently used in risk management decisions across many sectors.

Some examples of CSM include continuous attack surface management, vulnerability scanning, and asset discovery.

Attack surface management

The attack surface is the sum of all possible risk exposures such as known, unknown, potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations within hardware, software, and networks. Attack surface management, therefore, refers to the continuous detection, inventory, classification, prioritization, and monitoring of external digital assets that contain, transmit, or process sensitive information.

Because attack surfaces are constantly evolving, the uninterrupted analysis provided by CSM offers a level of surveillance that more traditional security solutions can’t compete with.

Vulnerability scanning and asset discovery

Continuous vulnerability scanning and asset discovery allow you to map your external perimeter. The features inform you of what the components of your attack surface are (including known and unknown assets), where the attack vectors and exposures are located, and how to shield your organization from future data breaches and cyberattacks. Such insight is invaluable for an organization’s threat response.

Why is continuous security monitoring important?

As attackers become more sophisticated and hacking more lucrative, businesses need to implement appropriate proactive (rather than reactive) security practices. IT specialists must be prepared, minimize the numerous and emerging threats, and effectively secure their digital infrastructure.

Faster remediation of vulnerabilities

continuous security monitoring is a highly beneficial approach to threat detection as the constant monitoring of a security environment allows security specialists to immediately remediate issues that could be exploited in a cyber attack. Hence, CSM is often used and is strongly encouraged in risk management processes as a pre-emptive measure.

Visibility of your attack surface

With more devices used than ever, more business being conducted online, and more use of outsourcing, vast amounts of data are being transferred digitally. To protect your digital environment from a cyber attack, complete visibility of your digital architecture is vital. You need to know what your assets are.

Adhere to mandated compliance requirements

While helping organizations maintain good cyber hygiene, it is also vital to remain compliant with data security protection regulations. CSM can help detect compliance issues, which is why it is increasingly considered an essential part of cyber security. The New York Department of Financial Services strongly promotes the use of CSM as an essential element of cyber security.

How can we help you?

Cyber security should be considered as a business decision. Informer can help you build an optimum risk-management strategy to face modern threats and secure your digital environment. Our platform gives you insight into your threat landscape, empowering you to protect your business from a motivated attack.

To learn more about how Informer’s attack surface management platform could help you revolutionize your defence, feel free to get in touch.